Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Genesis - Jesus knows me (Official HQ Video + Lyrics)

It was on a divine visitation, that the Lord told me that I was to go on the television. I was laying on the bed and the bed began to go around and I had this sensation like I was on a merry-go round- Then the furniture joined in and I was in the stars. There were stars everywhere, above me, below me, to the left of me, to the right of me. Millions and millions of stars and the Lord said these stars are the souls that you'll win for me. The Lord actually talks to me, you know. I hear what's.....


Jesus told me to listen to this song ; )

Awaken2Infinite2 4 days ago

Great song! With those glasses Phil looks like he belongs on some of those Pray TV shows. Wonderfully over the top and sadly much truth in what they presented in this video. Exactly one big reason many of the younger generation are turned off of religion. 

L2766W 1 week ago

Buy your place in heaven!

ker4600 2 weeks ago

Jim Baker,Jerry Fallwell,David Koresh,the list goes in and on.

soxfan801 2 weeks ago

Wonderful job of editign and posting the lyrics; one of my very favorite Genesis tunes.

MrMarv1985 3 weeks ago

thank you for making this with the lyrics.

great job.

it is one of the most brilliant rock songs ever.

oh yes, there are songs with a deeper message

but not one that will sneak into peoples ears

with that toe tappin beat and catchy lyrics.

Ive even heard Bible thumpers singin along.

Raptorifik 4 weeks ago

I remember tricking my younger brother to touch the tv when when this music video played :) (when collins says "Toch the screen") :)

axxis30 4 weeks ago

how can you not like this?

Ann-Marie Eriksson 1 month ago in playlist Favorite videos

Jesus Christ ! Thank you -Resigned .

MIKISAGAX 1 month ago

phil collins looks like porno dan in this video.

trentlell 1 month ago

Do I say it now.. or later... that G font is the one used by the Freemasons.... yet another reference.

RugbyPeter 1 month ago

Thank you.

I don't think God wants you to send your money to a TV Evilangelist.

God wants you to love one another and believe Jesus came to the earth and died for you.

If there is someone who says you need them to get a relationship with God, that person is a stumbling block and nothing more.

No living person is closer to God than you can be if you believe.

Those that do the will of God are the brothers and sisters of Christ.

God wants a personal relationship with you.

One on one.


WilliamLaSalle 2 months ago 3

One question: How do you have a personal relationship with a non-corporeal being?

LyubaAllenovna in reply to WilliamLaSalle (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Riiiight....so I should believe in the invisible omnipotent guy in the sky.....

Why am I not surprised....This is the guy who, if you mess up once, he will send you to a special place he designed for you to roast and burn and suffer, BUT HE LOVES YOU.....


Why am I not surprised......???

TheARWolf in reply to WilliamLaSalle (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

yes , youre a moron and there are more. You dont even understand whats this song about

tomczyk691 in reply to TheARWolf (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

yeah i do....this song is about how a preacher used to do this in real life...asked for a certain amount of money by a certain date, otherwise "God" would take him home.....this song is also about how rich people don't give a damn about you so long as they're rich and famous....Moron?....I think not...but thank you for kind distribution to the idiot fund...I'm sure that "God" is proud of you....

TheARWolf in reply to tomczyk691 (Show the comment) 5 days ago

there's a story behind this song.Oral Roberts was on the t.v and he needed so much money or the Lord was gonna take him home.i don't believe in televangelist.

curvy71 2 months ago

...'the Hell?

RC15O5 2 months ago

one person don"t know Jesus lol

terry3001x 3 months ago 3

great son and amazing subtitles!! keep on like that!! :D

yackyalisio2009 3 months ago

The best part of this music video is how awkward and uncomfortable Tony Banks looks the entire time. I mean that in the best possible way; I love this song, and this video was one of my favorites when I was younger. ;)

EvaporateCompletely 4 months ago

So, we know Phil's been doing at least 2 things all his life:

1. Talking to Jesus

2. Waiting for this moment.

DistressSignal 4 months ago

Oh goodness i lol'd so hard. I approve

jpapca in reply to DistressSignal (Show the comment) 2 months ago


yaya4ify 5 months ago

Love it, thanx for making this version :)

FBronke 5 months ago

Fantastic song and great job on the subtitles

poolguy88 7 months ago 7

¡Good job!

QuangNokonoko 7 months ago

Since Abacab LP this is the only Genesis song I can dance oops sorry I can stand. This band is for a long time in a total commercial trip and this is sad.

MrMajoreable 8 months ago

If Genesis isn't your cup of tea, why don't you just piss off then?

JSHuiting in reply to MrMajoreable (Show the comment) 7 months ago

......being said. And he said to me get me 18 million dollars by the weekend! And the angel of the Lord stands by my side and speaks into my ear - it's a beautiful thing. And I hear what's being said. It's a marvelous, marvelous experience - I never thought that such a thing could happen. In the name of Jesus *makes weird face expression* :D

that's pretty much all I understand in the first part ;D

xRahmx 11 months ago

It was on a divine visitation, that the Lord told me that I was to go on the television. I was laying on the bed and the bed began to go around and I had this sensation like I was on a merry-go round- Then the furniture joined in and I was in the stars. There were stars everywhere, above me, below me, to the left of me, to the right of me. Millions and millions of stars and the Lord said these stars are the souls that you'll win for me. The Lord actually talks to me, you know. I hear what's.....

xRahmx 11 months ago 12

Thanks for subs with prayer words.

Serowy in reply to xRahmx (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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